Education Sponsorship
Education should be a right and privilege to everyone. But unfortunately many kids in India are still not going to school due to many issues such as poverty, child labor, lack of support etc. Our goal is to find these underprivileged children and provide them decent education with the help of sponsors. We have a non-profit school Hope for Humanity in Vijayawada, India. Currently there about 250 students studying in the school.
There are two ways one can sponsor a kid's education
Longterm Sponsorship
This is to sponsor the education of a kid till 10th grade and the amount is $2500. Moreover this can continue for subsequent students till the funds are fully used.
Annual Sponsorship
This is to contribute to education of a kid till 10th grade on an annual basis and amount is $300 per year.
Click below for more details...
Example Kid profile
Through our survey of the community we have a list of various underprivileged kids' profiles who are in need of education. Once the sponsor decides to enroll in sponsoring a kid’s education we will send them details of the kids in need of education. Based on the profile, sponsors can select to sponsor education of a particular kid.
Every year Mid-year and end of year progress reports will be scanned with a picture of the kid and will be emailed to the sponsors.Sponsors are highly encouraged to visit the school and interact with the staff and children including the child they sponsored. Visit by sponsor will definitely motivate the children. Sponsors can call the school, speak with the child, speak with the administrators etc.
Portion of Annual Report
We currently have over 200 kids with education sponsorship. Our goal to help sponsor education of at least 350 kids. We are gradually trying to improve facilities in the school such as by having computer classes etc. Due to economies of scale more kids will help us provide more facilities in the school.
Many of us have the good intentions to help underprivileged people of various walks of life. Due to the lack of expertise and time many of these people want to provide funds for causes through a charity. However, typically they have two major concerns. Will the Charity properly use my money without any sort of corruption?Will I be able to see where my money is going.
We fully understand these concerns of our donors and sponsors. We use all the amounts donated by the sponsors only for the causes. Also the sponsors can clearly see where donations are going and see the results directly. We have two major programs for sponsoring kids education.
If you are interested in sponsoring kids education, or have any questions or concerns, use the Contact Us button, we will reply to you ASAP and address any questions, concerns or clarifications. If you are interested in the process we will also provide all the next steps in how to contribute etc. When you are ready to send the check please select which type of Sponsorship.
Many companies help their employees match employee charitable contribution up to a certain percentage. Please contact your employer's HR department to understand more on your Company's charity contribution matching.
School Pictures