School Updates as provided by Lakshmi Tulasi (May 15, 2022)

We have successfully finished our school kids’ annual examinations after covid outbreak. On 30th we completed the annual examinations for the kids upto IX class. On 6th May our X class kids wrote their last exam. This year X class kids wrote only 7 exams as the government reduced the number of exams from 11 to 7 because of covid situations. Most of the kids forgot all the basics, even though we have conducted online classes. So, we faced very tough situations during the examinations. Most of the kids are afraid to write the exams after 3 years. Maybe it will take a couple of years to completely adjust to the pandemic situations. We are expecting the results of X class kids in July. Our school reopens on 6th June for the next academic year. From 16th of this month we will start issuing the uniforms and books for the next academic year.